Elaine C is a 34 year old woman from Rutherfordton North Carolina. Elaine has Chronic Lyme. In addition to Lyme, she has Asperger's Syndrome/High Functioning Austism. Elaine is a published author and a produced playwrite. She also is an ex-medical student. Currently, her treatment plans consists of pulsing antibiotics, intravenous Vitamin C, Intramuscular Vitamin B and lots of other supplements.
Elaine suffers from a variety of symptoms from Lyme Disease. She agonizes with Lyme migraines along with pains in her muscles, joints, jaw and neck. She also experiences severe short term memory loss, blurry left side vision, night sweats and balance problems. She has left right disorientation, insomnia, confusion and a decreased ability to concentrate. In addition to these, Elaine is challenged with facial nerve tics/paralysis, sinusitis, sore throat, hoarseness, muscle twitches, numbness, tingling, shooting pains, a slow heart rate with irregular heart beats. She also has lack of verbal fluency and photo and sound sensitivity. However the worst symptoms for Elaine as a writer are Mild Aphasia.
Elaine is fortunate in the fact that no other members of her family have Lyme, but she has 18 friends in her area with Lyme including two very close friends. Elaine's specific prayer request is that she can find wholeness and balance in her life. If you're interested in finding out more about Elaine, check out her websites: twiztedtraveler.wordpress.com and saintaspie.deviantart.com
3 weeks ago