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This is being hosted and monitored by Jennifer from Living the Lyme Life.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Johnny's Biography

Johnny is a 56 year old Lyme Patient. He got infected in 1999 in Long Island. After 7 years and 30 doctors, Johnny finally sought help from an LLMD. He also got the news that he had a positive blood test for Lyme Disease and had endured brain damage.

Johnny feels fortunate to have found Dr. G from New Jersey that has helped in greatly since 2006. He uses a combination of Oral therapy and a lot of supplements. He has learned a great deal from internet support groups and talking to many Lyme patients.

The symptoms that are currently bothering Johny are dizziness, muscle twitching, fatigue, panic attacks, vibrations and neurological things. Johnny especially needs prayers for wisdom on how to deal with Lyme Disease on a day to day basis.

Johnny is fighting now for future Lyme patients and kids that have Lyme. He really feels for them the most because they are so young. As all Lymies feel, he is angered by the pain caused by the medical boards. It is horrific and should not be allowed to go on. He made a promise to himself and to God that he will be a Lyme advocate till his very last breath. Johnny feels very connected and very sad for everyone suffering from this illness.

Because of Johnny's passion for those with Lyme Disease, he has created a place for Lymies to go called Lymies "R" Us.

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Lyme Prayer Chapel Admins

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I am living my life. I've treated Lyme, Bartonella, Candida and Heavy Metal Poisoning. My symptoms were drastically improved after 2 years of treatment. I did well for a year or two and then started having a backslide in August of 2011. I've been seeing my doctor since March 1 2007. I have severe D defiency, but my Iron levels are now normal (after Iron infusions). I'm treating with oral antibiotics currently for Lyme, Bartonella and Babesia. I'm living life as full as I can with the skills that I have and the love I receive. My recent labs showed a very weak immune system and low Cortisol. So we're fighting to bring that back up. Some therapies I'm using are IV Vitamin C, HBOT treatments and herbal remedies plus yeast fighting medicines along with medicines to boost cortisol levels. I've not used the HBOT in a while, but I found it helpful. I'm on a load of oral antibiotics again because the herbal remedies alone were not effective enough. Living life as full as I can with the skills that I have and the love I receive!