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Monday, May 18, 2009

Lauren W.'s Biography

My friend Lauren is a 44 year old Lymie from Illionois. Lauren has Chronic Lyme Disease, Mycoplasma, Erlichosis and Babesia. Lauren's main symptoms are fatigue, joint pain and cognitive issues. She was diagnosed in 2006, but likely has had Lyme Disease since 1979.

Currently, Lauren is undertaking a slew of treatment that include the following:

Biaxin, Omnicef, armour thyroid, rx - vitamin D, Diflucan, cats claw, artemisinin, adrenal distress, NK Stim, magnesium, orthobiotic, CoQ10, selenium, zypan, calcium lactate, cat F, choracal II, Max GXL and Max N Fuse. Lauren also sees a chiropractor for acupuncture and a therapist for the use of a neuro muscular machine as well as foot and hand detoxes and Infrared Sauna. All four of Lauren's children are antibody positive and three have active Lyme. Those children are in treatment. Lauren's LLMD believes that she most likely gave it to them. They are 18, 17, 15 and 13.

Please pray for the healing of Lauren and her children and that God will continue to use their LLMD to heal them. Please pray for the metabolism of Lauren's children (they are dealing with issues). Please pray for Lauren's Lyme ministry. God is opening incredible doors and she needs prayers for focusing and follow up and to continue to always put HIM first.

Please pray for continued strength, encouragement and wisdom in helping others and special prayers that God will reach Dr.'s in Chicagoland to open their minds and hearts to become trained LLMD's.

Lauren wants to praise God for the many blessings he has brought into her life and the incredible friends she's met because of this disease!!

Please visit her website:


  1. Dear Heavenly Father, I lift up Lauren and her family to you. I ask for healing. I also ask for wisdom and discernment for the medical community. Father, I pray that doctors and researches will rise up to combat and put an end to this illness.

    I also lift up those others who continue to suffer with Lyme disease. I ask for strength for each day, comfort, and healing.

    In the precious Name of Your Son, Jesus Christ,


  2. Oh I know Lauren!!
    I met her when she did a screening of Under Our Skin.
    She is a wonderful woman and I hope to see her soon :D
    She is always in my thoughts as are every other lymie and sick person I meet.

  3. Kayla, you probably know *most* of these Lymies just under a screen name instead of real names.

  4. Thank you so much for your prayers. We really really appreciate them.

    We continue to prayer for all our "Lymie friends" known and unknown also!!


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Lyme Prayer Chapel Admins

My photo
I am living my life. I've treated Lyme, Bartonella, Candida and Heavy Metal Poisoning. My symptoms were drastically improved after 2 years of treatment. I did well for a year or two and then started having a backslide in August of 2011. I've been seeing my doctor since March 1 2007. I have severe D defiency, but my Iron levels are now normal (after Iron infusions). I'm treating with oral antibiotics currently for Lyme, Bartonella and Babesia. I'm living life as full as I can with the skills that I have and the love I receive. My recent labs showed a very weak immune system and low Cortisol. So we're fighting to bring that back up. Some therapies I'm using are IV Vitamin C, HBOT treatments and herbal remedies plus yeast fighting medicines along with medicines to boost cortisol levels. I've not used the HBOT in a while, but I found it helpful. I'm on a load of oral antibiotics again because the herbal remedies alone were not effective enough. Living life as full as I can with the skills that I have and the love I receive!