Please Pray for Danny at 6pm EST (3pm PST) on THURSDAY April 16, 2009. Thanks to all who participate in Prayer Warrior Time for the Truth About Lyme Disease Forum Members. Tomorrow's Blessed Lymie is Danny from California. Here is his biography.
Danny, also known as Silver, created The Truth About Lyme Disease website and forum after his mom realized there was a need for an informational website on Lyme Disease.
Danny doesn't want to go through his current list of illnesses, but he has been diagnosed with Lyme, ehrlichia, and possibly bartonella. Of course the tests came back negative for the last two, but was clinically diagnosed with them and treated for them. His mother & father both have experienced the worst of the worst when it comes to Lyme Disease. They are all living in California.
Danny believes he may have had Lyme for his almost 20 years, but experienced a life threatening situation at the age of 7. He was admitted into the hospital and treated with IV antibiotics for precautionary measures since the doctors had no idea what was happening with his body. They utilized IV Keflex and his symptoms were eradicated within days of treatment of this mystery illness.
After this, Danny had odd things happen here and there until the age of 18. At the beginning of 2008, he woke up one morning with the "most wicked nausea and anxiety one could ever experience." Things got progressively worse. He felt like he was at the brink of death. Since then, he has been on almost all of the antibiotics at one point or another. He is currently being treated with IM Bicillin.
And even though he feels close to wellness, the remaining symptoms he has are still disabling.
The main symptoms he has left are the feelings of being in a dream, shocking pains, numbness, random nausea, concentration difficulty and awful headaches that make seeing tough. Danny wants to get up and over that final hill and to cross that finish line. He gives all his Glory to God
Danny wants everyone to pray that he can make it up over this final hill that's challenging him and that Danny is able to use his knowledge and experience to help others that are where he has been. Danny wants everyone to also pray for all those afflicted with lyme/co-infections including his my mom & dad. Danny desires for them to be fully cleansed and healed of any sickness and disease and for all his sisters and brothers in Christ at TALD, and that all of his loved ones (girlfriend, aunts, uncles, etc.) be healed as well.
And may 100% of that credit go to the healer himself, Jesus Christ. Without him Danny says, "I would have been dead long ago. "
3 weeks ago
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